Wholesome Psychology understands the heavy thoughts, feelings, emotions and reactions that result from sexual abuse. Those who have encountered sexual abuse can feel alone, helpless and like there is no hope, but be assured that you are not alone or helpless, and there is hope to grow and heal from sexual abuse with the right support. Our experienced therapists are dedicated to supporting you through this daunting journey with their extensive expertise, programs and resources.
Someone who has experienced sexual abuse may not always be upfront and honest about it, do to feelings of guilt, shame, and embarrassment. These feelings are extremely valid, and can hinder someone who has been through this to the seek they need in order to heal from the abuse. The fear of not being believed or retaliated against is also a major factor in survivors not reaching or speaking out. Here are few indicators of sexual abuse that can be prominant in individuals who have experienced it:
The indicators can be an important factor in recognizing situations of sexual abuse. If yourself or a loved one have experienced any of these symptoms and have been in an abusive situation, please know you are not alone and our therapists are here to support you, and work with you to overcome the darkness you are facing.
Overcoming abuse can feel like trekking a mountain. We are here to work collaboratively with you to make this journey easier, providing you with resources and programs to work through your thoughts, feelings and emotions at your pace. Having a safe space to openly and freely discuss your situation and work on building a strong foundation is crucial to start the healing journey. It is normal to have thoughts, feelings, and emotions come in waves after encountering sexual abuse. We are here to help you navigate through these with a personalized treatment plan based on your needs. Your mental health and well-being are the top priority at wholesome, and we are dedicated to providing you with skills and resources to face the challenges created by abusive situations.
We believe a solid support network is essential to healing from the trauma that is brought on by abusive circumstances. We want to ensure you find the best fit for you, and receive the best care possible. This is why your initial session at Wholesome Psychology is at a reduced rate. Even if our approach does not align with your needs, still reach out, as we can provide other options that may be better suited to you or your loved one.
If you or someone you know has experienced sexual abuse, it is extremely important to know you are not alone. There are many others who have faced the same challenges and were able to find strength, and solidarity. Reaching out is a sign of strength, and we are here to guide and support you every step of the way.
We believe in and see a world where survivors are able to flourish and build the life they deserve using the blocks we provide. You are worthy of living a happy and healthy life, free from fear. Start your new beginning today, by building your support system and guide with Wholesome.